In the beginning, there are two of you -- clever, intelligent beings. To survive you must permanently conquer a vast, unclaimed territory. In the furthest corners of the territory lie the life-giving EL-IXIR. Without their power, everything will be lost. Only wit and luck will secure their magical ability to protect and sustain you throughout the quest.
But you are not alone. An unseen guardian of random forces is at work. You form a strategy; the Guardian presents choices. You make a decision; the guardian determines its impact.
You surround and conquer your opponent; you are in turn surrounded and conquered. Success is as much an illusion as defeat. A single mistake, a moment's indecision, a whim of the Guardian can destroy the cleverest strategy. No condition is permanent unless you possess the elusive EL-IXIR.
Will you survive this time? or will you disappear in your opponent's embrace? You cannot know until the last thrilling moment.